
Venture in Security is a leading blog about the trends in the cybersecurity industry, go-to-market, venture capital, and the business side of security. 

Sponsoring Venture in Security enables companies to promote their brand to an audience that is passionate about staying on top of the trends and players shaping the future of cybersecurity. 

Venture in Security Blog Stats

As of July 2024, here are the Venture in Security stats:

  • Active Subscribers: 14,000+

  • Email Open Rate (CTR): ~40-56%

  • Article Reads: ~2.5k-25k

  • Link Click-through Rate: ~20-100+ unique clicks via email (not including social media engagement or blog post clicks)

  • Social Media Engagement: ~5K-50K views from LinkedIn

  • Top Subscriber Locations: United States, United Kingdom, India, Australia, France, Israel and more!

  • Audience Occupation: Security practitioners at Fortune 500 companies, CISOs and senior executives, investors, security entrepreneurs, channel partners, consulting and recruitment firms

  • Newsletter Frequency: Once a week (no set day)

  • Sponsorship Slots: One sponsor per issue

Sponsorship Details

What is included in the sponsorship

  • The sponsor’s blurb

    • Length: 80-120 words

    • Location: towards the top of the blog

    • Format: text only

    • Main title: 80 characters or less

    • CTA: inline link with the hook you want to use

  • Social media shout-outs on personal LinkedIn page (over 29,000 followers)

    • Social copy: Provide a co-branded tweet-length blurb that will be shared on LinkedIn

What is not included in the sponsorship

  • Sponsors cannot in any way influence the content of the blog post their information is featured on. The scope of the sponsorship is limited to getting the message within the allocated space labelled as sponsored. It will not in any way shape, or attempt to influence the main message of the blog. 

  • We value the privacy of our readers and will never share their information (emails, personal details, etc.). We will never share the details of the people who interacted with sponsored content on the blog or social media. 

  • We do not provide any guarantees about the number of clicks, conversions, or interactions people will have with sponsored content. If your message is compelling, jargon- and hype-free, the chances of more people being curious increase (and vice versa). 

  • Note that we reserve the right to politely decline any company’s sponsorship offer. 

Reports provided to sponsors

A week after the issue runs, we will provide the following metrics:

  • The number of subscribers the email was sent to

  • The number of unique users who opened the email

  • The newsletter click-through rate (CTR)

  • The number of unique users who clicked the sponsored link

  • The number of impressions and engagements on the associated LinkedIn post

Venture in Security Sponsorship rules & best practices

  • Venture in Security believes in honest marketing. We do not endorse sponsors. We have earned trust of our readers with hard work and valuable insights, and we intend to keep it that way. 

  • We talk about capabilities and attempt to stay away from the hype and industry jargon. We ask that every abbreviation is spelled out and every claim is substantiated. 

  • Given the diverse audience of the blog, vendors should focus on communicating their value proposition or product functionality in a simple-to-understand manner. 

Reasons to sponsor Venture in Security

  • Increase brand visibility. The rule of 7 states that a potential customer must see a message at least seven times before they'll decide to take an action (it’s probably much higher in cybersecurity). 

  • Get the word out about your products, services, or ideas. There is a lot of noise in the industry, and the ability to get the word out is precious. 

  • Venture in Security's readership base is highly engaged and active in the industry. By sponsoring the blog, you are making the content available to them at no cost - something people value and appreciate. 

Pricing & Availability

Contact info@ventureinsecurity.net for details.