Excellent article again Ross! Great points and incredible depth!

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Great article. I've been doing cyber security corp dev and have been involved in the cyber security industry for almost 2 decades..and I've always heard folks say this is the year the market consolidates. It's almost always in January! :-) I'm currently at Structural Capital and focus on writing $20 million to $50 million venture debt checks. Curious how you view the venture debt side of the market.

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Thanks Atul! Someone smart once said that there are only three ways to make in money in business, bundling, unbundling, and writing about bundling and unbundling haha Definitely, I see consolidation is a state of any market - and the one that doesn't always lead to there being 2-3 leaders.

Would love to connect & chat about the industry sometime. I don't think I have an in-depth view of the venture debt side of the market - just thoughts and opinions, nothing solid. Would love to get your take.

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Quite an insightful and indepth piece, Ross.

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